East China University of Science and Technology

East China University of Science and Technology

Jumlah Siswa: 27.000
Siswa Internasional: 1.000
Alamat: Universitas Sains dan Teknologi China Timur, 130 Meilong Road, Shanghai, PRChina

Universitas Sains dan Teknologi Tiongkok Timur (ECUST) terletak di Shanghai, pusat perdagangan, keuangan, perdagangan, dan pelayaran Tiongkok. Didirikan pada tahun 1952 dan awalnya disebut Institut Teknologi Kimia China Timur, ECUST adalah universitas utama “Proyek 211”, universitas “Platform Inovasi Disiplin Keunggulan 985”, anggota “Kelas Ganda Ganda”. ECUST memiliki 16 sekolah dan perguruan tinggi, mencakup 11 disiplin ilmu seperti sains, teknik, ekonomi, manajemen, sastra, hukum, seni, dll. Menurut Database Essential Science Indicators (ESI), 8 disiplin ilmu di ECUST menempati peringkat 1% teratas di dunia, yaitu Kimia, Ilmu Material, Ilmu Komputer, Teknik, Biologi dan Biokimia, Farmakologi dan Toksikologi, Ilmu Pertanian, Teknik Lingkungan, di antaranya Kimia menempati peringkat 0,3‰ teratas. Lulusan ECUST telah menikmati pujian dan reputasi di kalangan pengusaha dan masyarakat, dengan peringkat ke-16 di Cina daratan menurut Daya Saing Kerja Lulusan Universitas QS.

Web:  https://ies.ecust.edu.cn/

Application link: http://apply.ecust.edu.cn

Program Tuition
Long-term Chinese Programs RMB 9,000 per semester
Short-term Programs RMB 2,200 for four weeks (online)
Undergraduate Programs RMB 22,000 / year

RMB 26,000 / year (Art Programs)

Master’s Degree Programs RMB 28,000/ year (Chinese-taught Programs)

RMB 30,000/ year (Art Programs)

RMB 34,000/ year (English-taught Programs)

PhD’s Degree


RMB 35,000/ year (Chinese-taught Programs)

RMB 42,900/ year (English-taught Programs)

Bachelor Degree (Chinese/English)

  • School of Chemical Engineering: Chemical Engineering and Technology (Chinese & English)
  • School of Chemistry and Molecular Engineering: Chemistry (Chinese & English)
  • School of Computer Science and Technology: Computer Science and Technology  (Chinese & English), Software Engineering (Chinese), Artificial Intelligence (Chinese)
  • School of Business: Business Administration (Chinese), International Economics and Trade (Chinese & English)
  • School of Art: Visual Communication Design (Chinese); Environmental Design (Chinese)


Master Degree (Chinese & English)

  • School of Chemical Engineering: Chemical Engineering and Technology
  • School of Chemistry and Molecular Engineering: Chemistry
  • School of Biotechnology: Biology, Biochemical Engineering, Biotechnology and Bioengineering
  • School of Chemistry and Molecular Engineering: Materials Science and Engineering
  • School of Resources and Environmental Engineering: Environmental Science and Engineering
  • School of Business: Science of Business Administration

PhD Degree (Chinese & English)

  • School of Chemical Engineering: Chemical Engineering and Technology
  • School of Chemistry and Molecular Engineering: Chemistry
  • School of Biotechnology: Biology, Biochemical Engineering, Biotechnology and Bioengineering
  • School of Chemistry and Molecular Engineering: Materials Science and Engineering
  • School of Resources and Environmental Engineering: Environmental Science and Engineering
  • School of Business: Science of Business Administration

International Student Dormitory

Xuhui Campus: Single Room RMB 9,800 / person / semester