Donghua University

Donghua University

Jumlah Siswa: 30.000
Siswa Internasional: 4.003
Alamat: 1882 Yan’an Road West, Shanghai, China

Dikenal sebagai tempat lahir bagi para profesional tekstil di Cina, Universitas Donghua telah menjadi universitas negara-kunci sejak tahun 1960 dan merupakan salah satu lembaga pendidikan pertama di Cina yang berwenang untuk memberikan gelar. Disiplin terkemuka adalah Desain Mode, Teknik Tekstil, Perdagangan Internasional, dll Selain itu, Universitas Donghua telah menjalin hubungan kerjasama dengan lebih dari 60 institusi pendidikan tinggi serta perusahaan terkenal di seluruh dunia. Mahasiswa luar negeri dari 83 negara telah lulus dari universitas.


Long-term Comprehensive Chinese Program(Above 16)

Duration of Study Class hrs/wk Tuition Fee
1 Semester 20 RMB 9,200
1 Year 20 RMB 18,000

Bachelor’s Degree Programs in English

With the exception of the 6th Installment of AUD 8,300 which is payable directly to Raffles College of Design and Commerce (RCDC), all the other fees such as application fees, tuition fees, insurance in China, will be paid to CIP directly.

Bachelor of Economics in International Trade (BIT) Feb/Sep 3-4 years RMB 50,000 per year
Bachelor of Management in Business Administration (BBA) Feb/Sep 3-4 years RMB 50,000 per year
Application Fee RMB 800
Tuition Fee
Semester Fee
1st Semester RMB 25,000
2nd Semester RMB 25,000
3rd Semester RMB 25,000
4th Semester RMB 25,000
5th Semester RMB 25,000
6th Semester AUD 8,300 and RMB 5,000
7th Semester RMB 25,000
8th Semester RMB 25,000
Textbooks and Supplies RMB 400 per semester

Bachelor’s Degree Programs in Chinese

Artistic majors (Artistic Design, Digital Media Art, Animation, and Technology & Art of Exhibition): RMB 26000 /academic year
RMB 22000 /academic year for other majors

Master’s Degree Programs

Master Program in Study of Design Art: RMB 28000/academic year
Master Program in other majors: RMB 26000/academic year

Master Program in English: RMB 40000/academic year

Textbook Fees

About RMB 500/academic year

Bachelor Degree Programs

Chinese Language
Artistic Design (Fashion & Artistic Design)
Artistic Design (Industrial Design)
Artistic Design (Environmental Artistic Design)
Artistic Design (Public Arts)
Artistic Design (New Media Art)
Artistic Design (Textile & Artistic)
Administrative Management
Applied Chemistry
Applied Physics (Plasma Physics & New Energy Source Technology
Building Environment & Equipment Engineering
Business Administration
Communications Engineering
Composites Materials & Engineering
Computer Science & Technology
Construction Environment & Equipment Engineering
Digital Media Art
Educational Technology (Media-making & Communication)
Electrical Engineering & Automatization
Electro-optic Information Science & Technology
Electronic Commerce
Electronic Information Engineering
Energy & Environmental System Engineering
English Language & Literature
Environmental Engineering
Environmental Science
Fashion Design & Engineering
Financial Management
Functional Materials
Industrial Design (Products Design, Design Management)
Information Management & Information System
Information Safety
Inorganic Non-metal Material Engineering
International Economy & Trade
Japanese Language and Literature
Logistic Management
Mathematics & Applied Mathematics (Financial Engineering)
Mechanical Engineering & Automatization ( Machine Design & Theory, Machinery Manufacturing & its Automation, Mechatronical Engineering, Precision Instrument & Machinery, Curtain Wall Engineering & Machinery)
MICE Economy & Management
Network Engineering
Non-woven Materials & Engineering
Optoelectronic Technology Science
Polymer Materials & Engineering
Public Relations
Software Engineering
Technology & Art of Exhibition
Textile Engineering (Technical Design of Textiles, Textile Testing & Business, Textile Designing, Textile & International Trade, Integration of Textile Mechanics and Electrics)
Tourism Management


Indoor: bathroom, furniture, bedding, A/C, telephone, fridge, TV set, Internet jack
On Floors: washing machines, cold/hot water dispenser, electromagnetic stoves, microwave oven, etc.
Public Area: professional laundry service, Café, study lounge

Room Type Room
Room Fee/Semester
(140 days)
Room Size (m2)
A Single Room CNY 95/person CNY 13,300/person 20
B Double Room CNY 50/person CNY 7,000/person 20
C Multiple Room
(shared by 3-4 persons)
CNY 35/person CNY 4,900/person 27

Deposit RMB400 deposit for room key and facilities. The deposits and 1-month rent (for self-support students) being paid, the key and remote controllers will be provided.