Fudan University

Fudan University

Jumlah Siswa: 52.681
Siswa Internasional: 2,812
Alamat: No.220, Jalan Handan, Distrik Yangpu, Kota Shanghai, Cina

Beberapa mengatakan Shanghai seperti New York, yang lain mengatakan Shanghai seperti Hong Kong. Tapi sebenarnya, Shanghai hanyalah Shanghai, pusat ekonomi China dan kota paling internasionalnya. Ada yang mengatakan bahwa Universitas Fudan adalah Universitas Peking di Cina selatan – standar sekolahnya jelas luar biasa. Suasananya toleran, dengan nuansa dan suasana multikultural.

Application fee

None-Degree Students Degree Students
400 RMB 800 RMB

Tuition(calculated in RMB for one year)

Liberal Arts Natural Sciences Medicine /Arts
Undergraduate Students 23000 RMB per year 26000 RMB per year 42000 RMB per year
Master’s Degree Programs 26000 RMB per year 30000 RMB per year 48000 RMB per year
MBBS – English Taught (6 years) 75000 RMB per year
Fudan MBA (2 & a half years) Fudan MBA: 143000 RMB (in total)
International MBA (2 Years) International MBA (Taught in English): 157000 RMB (in total)
English-Taught Master Programs (2 years) Chinese Politics & Diplomacy: 50000 RMB per year

Chinese Language & Culture: 50000 RMB per year

Chinese History & Culture: 50000 RMB per year

Chinese Society:  50000 RMB per year

Chinese Economy: 50000 RMB per year

LLM: 160000 RMB

Global Media and Communication: 80000 RMB per year

Long-term language students 21000 RMB per year; 10500 RMB per semester
Preparatory Program (Intensive)

Preparatory Program (Regular)

16000 RMB per 12 Weeks 32 Class Hrs/Wk
12500 RMB per semester; 25000 RMB per year


Clinical Medicine (MBBS in English)
Applied Chemistry
Biological Science
Biological Technology
Business Administration
Business Chinese
Chinese Language and Culture
Clinical Medicine (5 years)
Communication Engineering
Computer Science and Technology
Electrical Engineering and Its Automation
Electronic and Information Science and Technology
Electronic Science and Technology
Environmental Science
General Administration
Information and Computing Science
International Economics and Trade
International Politics
Management Science and Engineering
Material Chemistry
Material Physics
Mathematics and Applied Mathematics
Optical Information Science and Technology
Political Science and Public Administration
Polymer Materials and Engineering
Preventive Medicine
Public Finance
Radio and Television Science
Software Engineering
Theoretical and Applied Mechanics
Tourism Management

On campus accommodation(calculated in RMB for one person one day)

Han Dan Campus long term students short term students holiday special price
Maing.Bldg.Double Room 55 RMB/day/person 70 RMB/day/person
Maing.Bldg.Single Room 80 RMB/day/person 100 RMB/day/person 40 RMB/day/person
Sub.Bldg.Single Room 45 RMB/day/person 25 RMB/day/person
Feng Lin Campus long term students short term students
Double Room 45 RMB/day/person 45 RMB/day/person
Single Room 60 RMB/day/person 70 RMB/day/person 30 RMB/day/person
Facilities: private bathroom, air-con, telephone, and Internet access.
Beddings will be provided for short-term students only.
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