University of International Business and Economics

University of International Business and Economics

Jumlah Siswa: 13.000
Siswa Internasional: 2.800
Alamat: No.10, Jalan Timur Huixin, Distrik Chaoyang, Kota Beijing

University of International Business and Economics (UIBE) adalah salah satu universitas berorientasi ekonomi terbaik di China. Sebagai salah satu tujuan paling populer di Beijing bagi siswa internasional, kursus di bidang keuangan, ekonomi, manajemen, perdagangan, bahasa Cina, dan banyak lagi menarik hampir 4000 siswa internasional setiap tahun.

Study Program Tuition Fee
Bachelor’s Degree (in Chinese) Chinese Language and Literature: RMB 23,200/academic year

Other Majors offered in Chinese: RMB 24,800/academic year

Master’s Degree (in Chinese) Remedial Courses: RMB 11,600/one semester

MBA program: RMB 120,000/2 years (RMB60,000 for each year)

Master of Finance & Master of International Business: RMB 40,000/year

Other Majors offered in Chinese: RMB 29,800/ year

Doctoral Degree (in Chinese) Majors offered in Chinese: RMB 29,800/ year

(RMB 33,000/academic year for the major of Law)

International Undergraduate Programs (General Education in English) RMB 49,750/year
Chinese Business Study Programs For the first semester is RMB 9,900/person and RMB 9,100/person for each subsequent semester.

(Advance payment of RMB 2,000/person, pays in full when confirmation enrollment, will be account into the total tuition fee and is not refundable after the opening of the semester)

Chinese Language Training Programs Elementary Chinese: RMB 9,900/person for the first semester, and RMB 9,100/person for each subsequent semester.

Business Chinese: RMB 9,900/person for the first semester, and RMB 9,100/person for each subsequent semester.

Intensive Chinese: RMB 19,800/person for first semester and RMB 18,800/person for each subsequent semester.

(Advance payment of RMB 2,000/person for Elementary Chinese and Business Chinese, RMB 3,000/person for Intensive Chinese, pays in full when confirmation enrollment, will be account into the total tuition fee and is not refundable after the opening of the semester.)

Preparatory Course for Bachelor Programs Tuition: RMB 11,600/semester RMB 22,300/academic year

(Advance payment of RMB 2,000/person, pays in full when confirmation enrollment, will be account into the total tuition fee and is not refundable after the opening of the semester)

Intensive Preparatory Course for Bachelor Programs Tuition: RMB 19,800/semester RMB 38,600/academic year

(Advance payment of RMB 3,000/person, pays in full when confirmation enrollment, will be account into the total tuition fee and is not refundable after the opening of the semester)

Master’s Degree (in English) IMBA Program:

RMB 128,640/2 years (RMB 2,680/per credit)
(RMB 65,000 for the first academic semester)
(RMB 63,640 for the second academic semester)

ILLM Program:
RMB 123,280 (RMB 2,680/per credit)
(RMB 53,600 for the first academic semester)
(RMB 53,600 for the second academic semester)
(RMB 16,080 for the third academic semester)

ASRM Program:
RMB 109,880 (RMB 2,680/per credit)
(RMB 60,000 for the first academic semester)
(RMB 49,880 for the second academic semester)

Other Majors Offered in English: RMB 99,160 in total (RMB 2,680/per credit)
(RMB 50,000 for the first academic semester)
(RMB 49,160 for the second academic semeter)

Doctoral Degree (in English) Majors offered in English: RMB 70,000 (RMB2,680/per credit )
(First year RMB 36,000, second year RMB 22,000, third year RMB 6,000, fourth year RMB 6,000)

CatatanSetelah penerimaan dikonfirmasi, pembayaran biaya kuliah di muka untuk Program Gelar harus dibayar tepat waktu untuk memvalidasi studi berikut. Pembayaran lanjutan yang ditawarkan dalam bahasa China adalah RMB 4000, dan program yang ditawarkan dalam bahasa Inggris adalah RMB 10.000. Siswa dapat membayar tunai secara pribadi di universitas kami atau membayar melalui transfer pos dan transfer bank.

Durasi semua program magister dalam bahasa Inggris adalah dua tahun, biaya kuliah untuk semester akademik pertama berarti Anda harus membayar biaya kuliah tahun pertama di semester pertama, biaya kuliah untuk semester akademik kedua berarti Anda harus membayar yang kedua biaya kuliah tahun di semester kedua.

Non Degree Program

Preparatory Course for Bachelor Programs

Starting Date Duration of Study Tuition Fee
Feb/Sep 1 Year RMB 22,300

Intensive Preparatory Course for Bachelor Programs

Starting Date Duration of Study Tuition Fee
Feb/Sep 1 Year RMB 38,600

Elementary Chinese Training Program

Starting Date Duration of Study Tuition Fee
Feb/Sep 1 Semester RMB 9,900
Feb/Sep 1 Year RMB 19,000

Intensive Chinese Training Program

Starting Date Duration of Study Class hrs/wk Tuition Fee
Feb/Sep 1 Semester 30 RMB 19,800
Feb/Sep 1 Year 30 RMB 39,600

Degree Program

Bachelor’s Degree (in English)

Business Administration Mar/Sep RMB 49,750
Finance (International Finance and Investment) Mar/Sep RMB 49,750
International Politics Mar/Sep RMB 49,750
Economics (Logistics Management) Mar/Sep RMB 49,750
Finance Mar/Sep RMB 49,750
International Trade Mar/Sep RMB 49,750
Marketing Mar/Sep RMB 49,750
Bachelor’s Degree (in Chinese)
Business English Mar/Sep RMB 24,800
Accounting Sep RMB 24,800
Business Administration (In Chinese) Sep RMB 24,800
Chinese Language and Literature: (Business Chinese) Sep RMB 23,200
Chinese Language and Literature: (Teaching Chinese as a foreign language) Sep RMB 23,200
E-Commerce (In the field of International Service Trade) Sep RMB 24,800
Economics (International Transportation and Logistics (in Chinese) Sep RMB 24,800
Finance (In Chinese) Sep RMB 24,800
Insurance (International Risk Management) (In Chinese) Sep RMB 24,800
International Economics and Trade (in Chinese) Sep RMB 24,800
International Political Economy Sep RMB 24,800
International Politics (Commercial Diplomacy) Sep RMB 24,800
Law (In Chinese) Sep RMB 24,800
Marketing (In Chinese) Sep RMB 24,800
Public Administration Management (International Economics and Trade Administration (In Chinese) Sep RMB 24,800

Master Degree (2 years in English)

Actuarial Science and Risk Management (Spring Semester) Mar/Sep RMB 60,000
Applied Economics (Spring Semester) Mar/Sep RMB 50,000
Business Management (IMBA) (Spring semester) Mar/Sep RMB 65,000
Finance (International Finance and Investment) (Spring Semester) Mar/Sep RMB 50,000
Finance (Spring Semester) Mar/Sep RMB 50,000
International Business (Spring Semester) Mar/Sep RMB 50,000
International Development (Spring semester) Mar/Sep RMB 50,000
International Relations (Spring Semester) Mar/Sep RMB 58,960
Law (Civil and Business Law) (Spring Semester) Mar/Sep RMB 53,600
Law (Economic Law) (Spring Semester) Mar/Sep RMB 53,600
Law (International Law) (Spring semester) Mar/Sep RMB 53,600
Logistics Management (Spring Semester) Mar/Sep RMB 50,000
Accounting (IMAcc) Mar/Sep RMB 117,920
Master Degree (2 years in Chinese)
Business English Sep RMB 29,800
Accounting Sep RMB 29,800
Business Administration (MBA) Sep RMB 60,000
Business Management Sep RMB 29,800
Chinese and Foreign Political Institution Sep RMB 29,800
Finance (Banking Management) Sep RMB 29,800
Foreign Linguistics and Applied Linguistics (Business Communication) Sep RMB 29,800
Insurance (International Risk Management Sep RMB 29,800
International Finance Sep RMB 40,000
International Relations Sep RMB 29,800
International Trade Sep RMB 40,000
Law Sep RMB 29,800
Logistics Management (Fall Semester) Sep RMB 50,000
Master of Finance (Professional Degree) Sep RMB 40,000
Master of International Business (Professional Degree) Sep RMB 40,000
Public Administration Management (International Economics and Trade Administration) Sep RMB 29,800


Huibin House adalah bangunan enam lantai dengan 197 kamar standar dan 9 suite yang luas. Di tengah setiap lantai terdapat ruang pertemuan umum, dapur, dan toilet umum. Setiap kamar dengan tempat tidur ganda dilengkapi dengan perabotan mewah dan fasilitas modern, termasuk telepon, satu set TV, AC, kamar mandi pribadi, dan sebagainya. Rumah juga memiliki pusat komputer, aula multifungsi, gym, binatu, dan kedai kopi. Dapur umum ada di setiap lantai. Meja depan dapat membantu siswa untuk mengirim faks, fotokopi, dan memesan tiket. Kantor Sekolah Pendidikan Internasional, beberapa ruang kelas dan ruang pertemuan juga terletak di gedung ini. Saat ini, sewa untuk siswa jangka panjang adalah RMB 100/hari untuk kamar standar dan RMB 50/hari untuk tempat tidur.

Apartemen Huicai, selesai pada September 2002, memiliki 118 jas. Setiap apartemen memiliki ruang duduk yang luas, kamar tidur, dapur, kamar mandi dan balkon dan dilengkapi dengan AC, TV, telepon, jaringan. Harga untuk setiap kamar adalah RMB 130/hari (RMB 65/tempat tidur). Di sayap timur terdapat 89 kamar yang dilengkapi dengan gedung Huibin kecuali kamar mandi. Kamar mandi umum terletak di setiap lantai. Harganya RMB 70/hari (RMB 35/tempat tidur).

Apartemen Huide, yang mulai digunakan pada September 2001, memiliki total 139 apartemen. Setiap apartemen memiliki ruang duduk yang luas, kamar tidur dengan tempat tidur ganda, kamar mandi, dapur dan balkon dan dilengkapi dengan AC, TV, telepon, jaringan. Bangunan ini memiliki binatu dan kedai kopi. Meja depan dapat membantu siswa untuk mengirim faks, fotokopi, dan memesan tiket. Kamar-kamar di Apartemen Huide adalah yang paling luas di antara ketiga bangunan ini. Sewa untuk siswa jangka panjang adalah RMB 130 ~ 140 per hari. (RMB 65 hingga 70/tempat tidur)

Deposit sebesar RMB 2000 diperlukan saat check-in dan akan dikembalikan saat siswa check out.